Academic Habits

Image of students in graduation regalia

Welcome to Academic Habits: The Stepping Stones to Success

What are Academic Habits?
Academic Habits are the degree to which a student is prepared for a learning experience. This can be represented by the topics of Study Skills, Time Management, and Prioritizing


Time Management Resources:

Explanatory PDFs: How to use time more Efficiently

Worksheets: How to Break Down the Week, Organizing your Semester Term, Weekly Calendar

Study Skills Resources

Explanatory PDFs: Emergency Last Minute Studying, How to Actively Study and Remember better,

Worksheets: 7 Day Study Plan, Exam Preparation: What do you know?

Prioritizing and Goal Setting

Explanatory PDFs: Prioritization Methods

Worksheets: The Urgency Personality Test, Weekly to Do, Goal Setting

If you want more resources, someone to work with you with any of these resources, or simply want personalized support, meet with a success coach now!