Comfort with Social Interaction

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Comfort with Social Interaction: Finding a Community that Fits YOU

What is Comfort with Social Interaction?
The process by which we act and react to those around us. In a nutshell, social interaction includes those acts people perform toward each other and the responses they give in return. Having a quick conversation with a friend seems relatively trivial.

SRJC Resources

We know it's hard to find people that you mesh well with, especially finding the first step to even find those people. The JC offers multiple opportunities to find those people through clubs and special programs like Learning Communities.

SRJC CLUB LIST: Find a club that interests you in both Santa Rosa and Petaluma Campus.

Get involved with the SRJC Intercultural Center on the Santa Rosa or Petaluma Campuses

Learning Communities

Learning communities offers an environment and support for people interested or who identify with different ethnic groups. They provide a support system through a combination of community run events and classes where you get to know your fellow students.

Asian Pacific American Student Success (APASS)



If you want more specific information about these topics, or want to speak to any of us who have gone through some of these learning communities, meet with a success coach now!